I’m running for you
While researching local candidates online during the last election cycle. I noticed most of them had one thing in common: An endorsement from the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. Meanwhile, the Brooklyn Center City Charter states that qualified candidates filing to be on the ballot should be listed “without partisan designation”. In that moment, one thing became clear: whether knowingly or unknowingly, some are working to divide us, the people of Brooklyn Center. They are seeking to divide us based on skin-color or ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, political party, or religious affiliation all with the purpose of keeping the status quo and maintaining power structures. They are working for the interests of one particular group but not for the interests of all. Let’s stop playing games and work together to change things for the better. It’s time to put you at the center in Brooklyn Center.

Today, I filed an Affidavit of Candidacy as required by the city charter in order to appear on the ballot for the office of Brooklyn Center City Council member on Tuesday, August 9, 2022. I’m asking for your vote and more importantly, for your partnership in my candidacy. I’m not a career politician or an elitist but rather a citizen of Brooklyn Center who is deeply concerned about how our choices in the here and now will impact generations to come. I seek to represent you perhaps in a different way than past elected officials. Many who have gone before me have made campaign promises that ultimately go unfulfilled. I am taking a more basic approach and simply pledge the following:
- I will vote for what is morally right according to my God-given conscience.
- I will vote for what I believe is in the best interests of all citizens of Brooklyn Center.
You can partner with me in the following ways: volunteer, donate, and make a plan to vote for me on Tuesday, August 9, 2022. In the meantime, you can find out more about me, where I stand on various issues, or contact me if you have any questions.
Together, let’s make Brooklyn Center a better city to live, work, and play for everyone.