Vote Andrew Johnson for Brooklyn Center City Council

Sun Post Voter Guide – Brooklyn Center City Council Candidates

As a Brooklyn Center City Council candidate, I was invited by the Sun Post to submit biographical information limited to 50 words or less and the answers to three questions in 300 words or less. I’ve excerpted my answers here but you can click the link to find information on all the candidates who responded by the press deadline online or pick up a copy of the printed edition.

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson

Address: 7224 Morgan Ave. N.

Education: Some college

Occupation: Health information technology coordinator

Community involvement: 9 year Brooklyn Center resident, informed voter, community volunteer

Contact information:

Why are you running for office?

I’m not a career politician or an elitist but rather a citizen who is deeply concerned about how our choices in the here and now will impact generations to come. I was the first person to file for municipal public office in Brooklyn Center for 2022, the first to have public platforms for constituents to engage with me, and I want to be the first to get to work for you. I want to put you at the center in Brooklyn Center and make your voice heard again. I want to work for the interests of all residents, not just the loudest individuals or special interest groups. I have a broad range of professional skills and experience that will help me serve you well. I am a good listener, hard-working, an innovator, and have a strong moral compass.

Do you support Brooklyn Center’s existing police reform work, or do you believe another approach is necessary to improve police and community relations?

I think police reform is necessary and Brooklyn Center’s efforts in this area have brought many stakeholders to the discussion who were previously unrepresented or under-represented in a way that previous efforts have not. That is commendable. I was pleased to hear that there are plans to involve our new police chief, Kellace McDaniel, in the Community Safety & Violence Prevention Implementation Committee. I think he will bring a fresh and much-needed perspective as both a resident of Brooklyn Center and a Law Enforcement Officer with real-world experience. If the scope of work remains focused on reform as opposed to abolishing the police, I will do whatever I can to ensure that their efforts are successful.

What are your transportation priorities for the city of Brooklyn Center?

With 5 of the most dangerous intersections in Minnesota and an average of 378 crashes per year, taking interim measures to improve the safety of Highway 252 is my top priority. My second priority would be ensuring the safety of the Brooklyn Center Transit Center.

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